Data Annotation | Data Collection | Data Licensing | AI, ML, Tech. Consulting | Advanced & Tech. LLM | RPO & Staffing

Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles require professionally tagged images & videos captured by multi-sensor cameras. These ground reality datasets allow vehicles to see & interact with the environment as humans do.

Object Detection

Utilizing Bounding Box & Polygon annotations for accurate identification & classification of objects like Vehicles, Pedestrians & Traffic Lights. This help in identifying & localizing various objects in the scene, allowing the autonomous vehicle's perception system to understand its surroundings.


Keypoint annotation on vehicles involves labeling specific points like Headlights, Doors, Tail Lights, Wheels, etc. By annotating key points on vehicles, AI algorithms can precisely locate & track these specific points.

Drivable Region & Road Boundaries Annotation

Using Polyline & Polygon annotation to mark the Lanes, Drivable Region & Boundaries on the images. This annotated data serves various purposes, including training autonomous vehicles for lane detection, path planning & understanding road infrastructure.

License Plate Annotation

Labelling license plate regions in images or video frames & transcribing the text. It facilitates automatic license plate recognition systems, enabling accurate identification & extraction of plate information for vehicle tracking, law enforcement & traffic management purposes.

Vehicle Tracking On Video Annotation

Vehicle tracking annotation in videos involves annotating vehicle positions & trajectories across frames, utilizing bounding boxes or key points. This technique facilitates the analysis of vehicle behaviour, traffic flow & interactions, enhancing understanding & enabling applications like autonomous driving & traffic management.

Full Scene Labelling

Annotation of all the objects, entities & attributes present in the image. This enables the vehicle to detect & track objects, recognize & interpret traffic signs & road markings, understand the road layout & anticipate & react to various scenarios in real time.

Sensor Fusion Annotation

Annotating synchronized data from multiple sensors such as cameras, LiDAR & RADAR. It provides ground truth for developing perception systems by accurately labeling objects based on fused sensor data.