Data Annotation | Data Collection | Data Licensing | AI, ML, Tech. Consulting | Advanced & Tech. LLM | RPO & Staffing

Aerial Imaging & Surveying

Aerial Imaging & Surveying is the method of acquiring geomatics or images from the air and could be collected by means of using airplanes, helicopters, UAVs, balloons or other aerial methods. It is most helpful to reveal topographic details of the land especially for geological, archaeological or military security and surveillance investigations.

Solar Panel Annotation

For our Solar Panel Annotation services, we utilized Polygon Annotation to precisely identify & label solar panels in aerial images & drone footage videos. This manual annotation process involved outlining & labeling the solar panels in the footage & generating annotations that served multiple purposes including object detection, monitoring & analysis of solar panel installations.

Urban Houses Annotation

For our Urban Houses Annotation services, our team made use of bounding box annotation on urban houses using satellite images & visual GPS data, focusing on outdoor residential images. This process involved outlining & labeling bounding boxes around the houses, facilitating various applications such as urban planning, real estate analysis & infrastructure development.

Disaster Management Annotation

For our Disaster Management Annotation services, our team annotated drone images taken in disaster-affected areas. We outlined & labeled key elements for efficient disaster response & recovery using bounding boxes. Our annotation also included classes such as Debris, Damaged infrastructure, Evacuees, etc. Our services help resources like fire responders to understand the level of damage & organise ways to manage the disaster.

Site Monitoring Annotation

For Site Monitoring Annotation services, we use bounding box annotations to track, label & manage equipment, safety hazards & project progress at construction sites.  Our annotation encompasses classes like Cranes, Excavators, Bulldozers, etc. Almost all such videos & images are captured by drones.

Traffic Flow Optimization

In Traffic Flow Optimisation services, we annotate using key point & bounding box annotation on drone & aerial images to identify & label traffic signs, signals, lane markings & congested areas. These annotations support traffic flow analysis, road planning & intelligent transportation systems, improving overall road network efficiency & safety.

Military Surveillance

For Milirary Surveillance annotation on drone images involves marking objects of interest such as vehicles, aircrafts & vessels. Actions like troop movement, suspicious behaviour & vehicle convoys are also included. This annotated data currently assists in training the model to automatically detect these classes.